What it does: Restoration: Restores all browser-windows + tabs, after shutdown or a crash. (main-page + subframes) - url - scrolling - checkboxes, radios, select-lists - text fields (input, text-type) - text fields (textarea) - session cookies - post data (main-page only) - url history - textzoom (window only) - window chrome - position - size - toolbar/statusbar visibility - maximization Detects startup-crashing (Prompts) - to copy My last session to another location + startup clear - to disable fixed-session restore + startup clear - continue with existing session Save: Save everything listed above, for later restoration (via Tools > SessionSaver > Save (+All)) - alphaNumeric naming, for stored sessions - right-click submenu, for stored sessions - restoration of stored sessions, into new or existing windows - renaming of stored sessions - removal of stored sessions - set selected as startup-session - archive selected to file SnapBack: Restores closed tabs, with everything listed above Restores closed windows, likewise Sync: Remote synchronization with an ftp / dav / local-file sync point (Store only) - auto-store the current session, as it changes (Retrieve only) - auto-retrieve / restore at startup - ..and check for updates every 5 minutes (Store and Retrieve) - combination of both above File Archival: Import: add stored-sessions + settings, from file Archive to File (Single Session) - stores just one session's data to file (All (+Settings)) - stores all sessions + adblock + tabmix settings, to file Configuration (Simple Mode) Restore every startup (Expert Mode) Restore every startup - My last session - user-selected session Ask me before: - restoring on startup - keeping my last session on shutdown - both (above) Manual Restoration, from the Tools' menu: - clears away existing windows.. - ..and tabs Manual and Startup Restoration will: - open exactly the same number of windows stored - only open one window, which joins all tabs Backup of the current session is saved, on shutdown, to: - Default - user-selected session SnapBack is shown as a: - Menu: dropdown, revealing the 10 most-recently closed tabs/windows - Chronological: single entry, restoring the very last closed tab/window SnapBack is shown in the Tools' menu for: - tabs.. - ..and windows [XXX add sync + file-archival options] waiter: one English Breakfast to go, black- rue: thank you, kindly